PC World Interactive 2
PC World Interactive 2 - Eylül 1997.iso
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Text File
235 lines
Version 1.76:
Corrected : Bug in alarms.
Warning !!!
My email has changed ! Please note the new email !!!!
Version 1.75:
Corrected : FullSize=Y was not good working. Now it's OK !
Changed : System of alarms. Doesn't anymore use HardDisk.
Version 1.74:
Added : If you add FullSize=Y in POSTIT.INI, it's easier to move the window...(The size
of the title of the ForgotIt note is reduced)
Added : Alt-R erase the whole note
Version 1.73:
Corrected : More bugs in alarms...
Changed : No more multiple script .INF to install Forgot-It !
Simply right-click on FORGOTIT.INF !!!!!
(Thanxs again to Yadla (amiposte@worldnet.fr))
Version 1.72:
Corrected : Bug in alarms
Corrected : Problem of deselection in Page selection. Now clicking outside
of the page list will close page list.
Added : If inserting a line
in POSTIT.INI, you will get a scroll bar on the note.
Version 1.71:
Added : Help dialogbox now show all options.
Version 1.70:
Added : Installation Script....Now, simply right-click on
FORGFRE.INF for French install (Directory Démarrage)
FORGENG.INF for English Install (Directory Startup)
Thanxs for Yadla (amiposte@worldnet.fr) for the scripts !!!
Version 1.69:
Corrected : When ShutDowning Windows, the last changes in the note was not saved.
Added : You can now specify an hour and minuts for the alarm, using syntax
@13/07/96-13:00 will alarm at 13h 00mins.
Version 1.68:
Corrected : Arrow no more visible when choosing dark background colors
Corrected : When sizing down the note, arrow disappears...
Changed : Now, to cycling throught Forgot-It pages, use Ctrl-PgUp /Ctrl-PgDown
Added : Now, alarms display text following alarms (See READ.ME)
Added : When alarms occured, the carret is positionned at the alarm.
Added : Alt-L load an external file, and put it a the cursor.
Added : Alt-S save the note to an external file
Corrected : Bug in display of title when switching pages
Added : Dialog warning when alarm occurs on the fly
Version 1.67:
Corrected : When clicking on tray icon, carret blinks on the note, but
typing anything doesn't work
Added : The size on the title of the window is no more size-limited.
Version 1.66:
Corrected : Bug in Print option
Version 1.65:
Added : Can now paste date or time.
Ctrl-D : Date in short format
Alt-D : Date in long format
Ctrl-T : Time
Version 1.64:
Added : PageUp/PageDown switchs between all pages of Forgot-It
Version 1.63:
Corrected : Bug in alarms
Version 1.62:
Corrected : Can't erase new Forgot-It created notes. (Destroy erase it, but
when restarting, notes are still there...)
Version 1.61:
Corrected : Now, you can use Sterling Pounds symbol in Forgot-It notes. (ú)
Corrected : A bug in page allocation, witch could hangs up when writing long notes
(more than 2048 chars)
Changed : For copyright reason, Stick-It is no more named like this...
Now, it's Forgot-It for Windows 95...
Version 1.60:
Changed : For copyright reason, Post-It is no more named like this...
Now it's Stick-It for Windows 95....
Version 1.53:
Changed : Text is no more stored in POSTIT.INI...Now in POSTIT.DAT...
Like this, no more 64kbytes window limit's of .INI files.
Corrected : Arrows Left-Right sometimes stays colored.
Added : Now, you can choose background and text color.
Version 1.52:
Corrected : Alt-F default font bugs sometimes...
Better design for ToolWindow=1
No more limit of 2048chars by page.
Version 1.51:
Corrected : Menu Font bug (sometimes look like symbol font)
Added : You can launch 'FORGOTIT.EXE TEST.INI' for example, to force
Forgot-It to use TEST.INI as control file...Like this, you can have
several users of Forgot-It...
Version 1.50:
Added : By left-click on the page name of a Forgot-It window, you can select
the page you want to edit. (Better than using Right and Left Arrow
to scroll throw the pages to found a specific page.
Right-click is now used to change the page name.
Version 1.42:
Corrected : ToolWindow option close button display bug.
Windows's exit does not always save Forgot-It changes
Version 1.41:
Added : Memory Status. First Line is Physical Memory
Second Line is Virtual Memory
Format : Free/Total
Last line is delta. You click on <Used>, it's RAZ the line, and
noticed every 5 seconds changes.
Version 1.40a:
Corrected : Bad detection of rightbutton menu on tray icon.
Version 1.40:
Added : Print Option added. Allow to print the whole Forgot-It or only the
Version 1.34:
Added : Keyboard shortcut Alt-D to erase the complete note.
Keyboard shortcut Alt-F to reselect the default font.
Version 1.33a:
Added : Choice With/Without TaskBar Forgot-It Button when window is visible.
Version 1.33:
Added : Choice between only one tray-icon, or one tray icon for each Forgot-it
Alarm capabilities. (See READ.ME)
Version 1.32:
Corrected : When menu height is not standart, curious yellow border is
Version 1.31
Added : Option to select if we want to see Forgot-it window at startup if there
is something to read.
Version 1.30
Shareware version now...
Added : multi font support
Several Forgot-it Windows.
Automatic Show Window at startup if there is some notes.
Version 1.20
Added : Resizable Forgot-It
Scrollable Edit zone
Multi-Pages Forgot-It
Title of page modifiable
Corrected : More Yellow....
80 chars text len max...
Version 1.00
Original Version.